Spencer knows this feeling of disappointment all too well! We recently went to Lagoon for Jason's work party, and here is a photographic "taste" of how everything played out for the evening.
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"Let's see. How can we remedy this problem? Look! Garrett can't ride anything, and he's still happy."
"Here, why don't you wait in line for thirty minutes to ride this little tug-boat dinghy that goes around in circles? You can ring the bell. Woo-hoo!"
"You are big enough to ride the newest ride in the park, the OdySea, and that's pretty exciting. Not to mention, you could get the ride's catchy tune stuck in your head for the remainder of the evening."
Thank goodness for the Bat! It had just the right blend of speed and action that would amuse Spencer, and he rode that thing over and over. Good thing there were no lines to wait in. "See! It wasn't such a bad evening after all!"
This post authored by Amber
It's okay. The big kid rides are overrated anyway Spenc.
Love this post! I can just picture the unfoldings of the day. Harrison would've done the same thing if he was brave enough to WANT to go on the big rides. He was perfectly happy hanging out in Kiddie Land!
Isn't it fun dealing with height restrictions? We walked around most of the night not knowing my nephew could ride the kiddie rides..we thought he had to be that height..missed the fine print that said or accompanied by an adult. Oopsie.
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