May 24, 2013

Final Days of School

It seems funny that I am writing about the final days of school, but all the pictures are of carnival games, rock wall climbing, and talent assemblies.  I guess once the end of level assessments are completed, the last few days of school are a time for teachers and students to unwind and ease into the lazy days of summer.  I'm glad that some of the last things my children did before the break were memorable and fun.  The lasting impression left  upon their minds is that school is an enjoyable place to be, and it's somewhere they are eager to return to when the three months of leisure are up.

The whole family enjoyed a night of activity at the school carnival.  We couldn't have asked for nicer weather, too.  Brevin and Spencer especially enjoyed being with their friends Victoria and Jocelyn.  The four were so funny to watch on the gladiator-style bounce house.  They really took it to each other.

Ella followed Garrett on a handful of the bounce house slides, but then she spent a majority of the evening playing on the school playground equipment. Go figure!

Spencer had a blast with his friends trying to squirt each other with the not-so-invisible invisible ink, while Garrett and Brevin both stood in line to take on the rock climbing wall.  Jason and I took turns just following the children all around, enjoying watching them having such a good time.  We really love the school carnival.

Art City Elementary also holds a two-day talent show at the end of the school year.  They allow for 50 performances between two assemblies, and entries range from magic tricks, to singing, to playing musical instruments.  It is amazing just how talented all of the children are, but (of course) my favorite performance was a duet that Spencer and his friend Gabe did.  They sang Anything You Can Do from the musical Annie Get Your Gun, and they were as cute as can be!

I got to return to the school for yet another assembly.  This time it was the awards assembly that is held each year to honor the achievements of students in third grade and up.  Jason and I were able to attend and watch Brevin perform a song on the recorder and be presented with the "Music Recorder Black Belt."  He also came home with a handful of certificates from his teacher which included the Presidential Physical Fitness Award, Excellence in Reading Award, a Spelling Award, and Perfect Attendance Award.

The final bell rang, the secretaries played the Hallelujah Chorus over the intercom system, the boys handed each of their teachers a parting gift, and I snapped a few pictures to capture the moments.

They even got a good-bye hug from the principal. that all the children have left the building, I wonder how the teachers will possibly cope.  I gather, from this video they made, that they will be alright.

Once we left the school, Jason and I took the boys out to lunch at The Brick Oven to celebrate an amazing year completed.  We got home and I had each of them pose for a last-day-of-school picture that, through the magic of Photoshop, I was able to insert a picture from the first of the year. that all the children are home full-time, I wonder how I will possibly cope.  I gather that I will be alright.

This post authored by Amber

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