June 5, 2009


I look forward to Memorial Day. In my opinion, it is the most perceptible signal of the start of summer, followed closely by the sudden appearance of dandelions everywhere. While we celebrate those who made this great country what it is, we also celebrate those who have made us who we are.

Our family tradition has been to visit the Provo cemetery on Sunday to place flowers on grandparents and great-grandparents graves, take several pictures, and allow the children to canvas the cemetery with watering cans to water everything within reach, including themselves. We've also been fortunate to hear "Amazing Grace" being played on bagpipes during our past two years visits. It was a lovely day.

Here's a fun photo comparison of how things can change in a year's time:

Memorial Day 2008

Memorial Day 2009

This post authored by Amber


Pickle said...

love the dad's and the slings!

Liz Adams said...

That's a really neat tradition!